With the recent announcement from Jacinda our office is now closed to the public.

All of our wonderful staff are endeavoring to work from home, and your policies will continue to be renewed. We may not be able to send renewal information to you in the post, but will get it to you in due course.

If you have a claim-related issue please contact Nick Harding on 027 221 1407. For any other urgent queries contact your broker as follows:

• Geoff Lott – 027 447 8358
• Julie Bullock – 027 221 0133
• Sharon Elliott – 027 344 1010
• Mark Koubaridis – 027 772 1761

We will continue to provide updates via our website and our facebook page –, as new information is made available to us.

Please take care of yourself and those close to you at this unsettling time.