General Communication for Clients

Our efforts as a nation to contain Covid-19 will affect New Zealanders in different ways.

We want to reassure you that we are here to help you manage your risks so you can concentrate on looking after yourself, your loved ones and your business.

This is an unprecedented situation and we recommend you keep informed with information from reliable sources, like the government site:, which has everything you need to know about COVID-19, all in one place. 

Please be assured, we have a robust business continuity plan in place, and we are working to ensure we can provide continuous service to you, our clients.

Engaging with us

We have full capability to work remotely and as such to continue to deliver services to you.

With us currently at an alert level 4, our team are working as follows:

If you have a claim-related query please contact Nick Harding on 027 221 1407. For any other urgent queries please contact your broker as follows:

Geoff Lott                           027 447 8358

Julie Bullock                        027 221 0133

Sharon Elliott                     027 344 1010

Mark Koubaridis               027 772 1761

When the alert level drops again and we return to the office, we will send an updated communication.

How insurance responds

We are being asked by clients if they are covered for losses linked to the virus. General insurance is unlikely to provide protection against losses linked to the Global Pandemic Covid-19. Our partners, LMI Group have put together informative papers you can reference. For more about Travel Insurance click here, for more about Business Interruption Insurance click here.

Please contact your broker for more on any other covers you have in place and are seeking clarity on.

Keeping you and your business protected

Whilst many businesses have either transitioned to work from home, or are closing up for a period of time, it’s still critical to ensure you are fully insured. As advisors we recommend that you keep your existing insurance in place, ensuring that you’re protected from losses now and in the future. Unfortunately, we are all still at risk of ‘normal’ events, like theft, storm or fire. Even if your income is lower during this period, there is still cover for many other aspects of your business. Please engage with us if you’d like to discuss your covers and situation.

How we can help you

Our team are here for you to discuss any questions you may have, including your current situation in light of the potential financial impact of Covid-19.  We are working on solutions to offer further support and we will keep you informed of these over the coming days and week through  

Our primary focus is to ensure all our clients remain insured and therefore protected. We will continue to ensure all policies are renewed prior to the renewal date. We will also be looking at options to support the individual needs of clients as their business environment and requirements change.

Risk Mitigation is really important and we encourage you to look at Business Continuity Plans for your business, as well as other steps you can take help limit the impact.

Practical business advice

Frank Accounting have put together some helpful tips for preserving cash in your business, as well as some guidance on the government’s business support package, which you can access here.

To ease your cashflow, we do have monthly premium payment facilities available. Please feel free to contact us to use this solution.

Working from home or remotely

Following the government’s announcement we will all be transitioning to Work from Home, or planning for this, here are some resources and considerations:

Laptop security: a short guide to laptop security can be accessed here. Please let us know if you’d like your broker to send through a summary of your covers for your portable equipment.

IT, Phishing emails and general security: sadly, times of crisis are seen as opportunities by criminals. Please be careful and exercise caution around any unsolicited contact made with you and your employees regarding Covid-19. When in doubt, check with the source, any legitimate organisation who is trying to contact you will understand your caution or need for verification. For more about work from home we encourage you to visit the Phew, Cyber Security Experts – website here, who have up to date information regarding free and almost free Work From Home tools available as well as considerations for working safely away from the office.

Sharing resources

We are a resilient country, with adaptable people and resources. By working together we believe that we will come out the other side of this situation stronger, which is why we’re looking to leverage our wider network to aid this process. Wanganui Insurance Brokers is a proud member of NZbrokers, New Zealand’s largest broking collective. Across NZbrokers we help over 140,000 clients who do amazing things every day.

If you have a resource, service or product that could help people now and in the future, in your local community or nationwide (similar to the papers and links we’ve shared in this communication, or anything else), we’d love to share these across our network, just like we have done today. Email with your information or for more details.

As always, our team are here to help you, if you have any other questions, please contact us.

Stay safe, Kia Kaha

Wanganui Insurance Brokers